About Academics Faculty Students Facilities Committees Achievements Seminars & Workshops Publications Contact Curriculum 2015 KTU Curriculum2019 KTU Curriculum Syllabus (2019) Semester 1 MAT101 Linear Algebra and Calculus CYT100 Engineering Chemistry EST110 Engineering Graphics EST120 Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering HUN101 Life Skills CYL120 Engineering Chemistry Lab ESL120 Civil and Mechanical Workshop Semester 2 MAT102 Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Transforms PHT110 Engineering Physics A ETST100 Engineering Mechanics EST130 Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering HUN102 Professional Communication EST102 Programming in C PHL120 Engineering Physics Lab ESL130 Electrical and Electronics Workshop Syllabus (2016) Semester 3 MAT201 Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis EC201 Network Theory EC203 Solid State Devices EC205 Electronic Circuits EC207 Logic Circuit Design HS210 Life Skills EC231 Electronic Devices & Circuits Lab EC233 Electronics Design Automation Lab Semester 4 MAT204 Probability Distribution, Random Processes and Numerical Methods EC202 Signals and Systems EC204 Analog Integrated Circuits EC206 Computer Organization EC208 Analog Communication Engineering HS200 Business Economics EC230 Analog Integrated Circuits Lab EC232 Logic Circuit Design Lab Semester 5 EC301 Digital Signal Processing EC303 Applied Electromagnetic Field Theory EC305 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers EC307 Power Electronics and Instrumentation HS300 Principles of Management EC365 Biomedical Engineering EC341 Design Project EC333 Digital Signal Processing Lab EC335 Power Electronics and Instrumentation Lab Semester 6 EC302 Digital Communication EC304 VLSI EC306 Antenna & Wave Propagation EC308 Embedded Systems EC312 Object Oriented Programming EC366 Real Time Operating Systems EC332 Communication Engineering Lab (Analog & Digital) EC334 Microcontroller Lab EC352 Comprehensive Exam Semester 7 EC401 Information Theory and Coding EC403 Microwave and Radar Engineering EC405 Optical Communication EC407 Computer Communication EC409 Control Systems EC465 MEMS EC451 Seminar and Project Preliminary EC431 Communications Systems Lab (Optical and Microwave) Semester 8 EC402 Nano Electronics EC404 Advanced Communication Systems EC464 Low Power VLSI MP469 Industrial Psychology & Organisational Behaviour EC492 Project