

Title Author(s) Month, Year Publication Details
Stress  Management of members in local self-government institutions

B Vijayachandran Pillai, K S Sreekutty


New Delhi Shandilya Publication, ISBN 978-93-93934-80-2

Digitization  influence in Expanding of Rural Markets: Challenges and Opportunities

Jyothis Rachel Mathews, Dr. Ebenezer Paul Rajan T Y


Karpagam Publications, ISBN: 978-93-9598-57-7


Unorganised sector women entrepreneurship in India Dr. B Vijayachandran Pillai ,R S Geetha 2023 New Delhi Shandilya Publications,2023, ISBN 978-93-93934-20-8
Outsourcing in Banking sector in India Dr. B Vijayachandran Pillai , Anjana K 2023 New Delhi Shandilya Publications,2023, ISBN 978-93-93-934-21-5



Title Author(s) Month, Year Publication Details

AI enabled paradigm shift in Business

Manju M

January 2024

Nehru School of Management Journal, Volume 8 Number 1 ISSN 2349-4883

A Study on future and prospects of Indian pharmaceutical industry Post Covid

Manju M

January – February 2024

History Research Journal, Volume 30 Issue 01, ISSN 0976-5425(P)

Analysis of recent trends in social media marketing with reference to emergence of artificial intelligence

Manju M

January – February 2024 History Research Journal, Volume 30 Issue 02, ISSN 0976-5425(P)
A study on green Entrepreneurship practices on sustainable development with special reference to Health care Tourism.  Jyothis Rachel Mathews,
Dr. Ebenezer Paul Rajan T.Y
March 2023 National Conference on Entrepreneurship for an Amenable, Resilient and Sustainable Future, organized by Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on 27th March 2023. ISBN : 976-93-5611-622-9
Future and prospects of artificial intelligence in Indian financial services Ms. Manju M
Dr .V Nirmaladevi
Sep-Oct 2023  History Research Journal, ISSN 0976-5425 (p) with if= 7.86
volume : 29, issue: 05, September – October : 2023
UGC Care approved group i, peer reviewed, referred journal
 A study on role and contributions of pharmaceutical industry in promoting economic growth of India Ms. Manju M
Dr .V Nirmaladevi
November 2023 Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics,  ISSN : 0975-802x
vol. : xxvii, no:4, 2023 with if: 6.986
UGC Care approved, peer reviewed and referred journal
Financial statements analyses of select pharmaceutical companies in India using three statement model Ms. Manju M
Dr .V Nirmaladevi
November 2023 Rabindra Bharati University Journal of Economics,  ISSN : 0975-802x
vol. : xxvii, no:5, 2023
with if: 6.986
UGC Care approved, peer reviewed and referred journal
Analyzing pharmaceutical companies in India using Altman z-Score: A Financial Health Ms. Manju M
Dr .V Nirmaladevi
October 2023 History Research Journal, ISSN 0976-5425 (p) with if= 7.86
volume : 29,issue: 05, September –October : 2023
UGC Care approved group i, peer reviewed, referred journal
Application of green it in higher education institutions Ms. Manju M July 2023 Dept. of research & publications,
a2z Edu learning hub sustainable higher education systems – methods & practices vol. 1, ISBN : 978-81-962554-5-9
Gender equality in Indian and global context Ms. Manju M March 2023 Coimbatore institute of information technology, Coimbatore,ISBN-978-93-91347-53-6
Time spent on social media and its impact on the academic performance by youngsters Ms. Manju M
Dr.P. Pon meenakshi &, Dr.Suriakala
2022 European journal of molecular & clinical medicine ( web of science)
ISSN:2515-8260, Volume 09, Issue 08, 2022
A study on impact of GST on retailers and customers with special reference to Palakakd Ms. Manju M Nov-Dec 2022 Nehru School of Management Journal & Bonfering Intellectual Integrity. ISSN:2349-4883
Vol : 7
A Study on Psychological Behavior of the Administrative Employees in the Hospital in Delhi. Dr. K. Manivannan & Shailesh Kumari June 2021 Published in a multi-disciplinary International journal, ISSN: 0011-9342, June 2021, Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 7103 – 7113, ISSN: 0011-9342 online. Scopus indexed C.
A study on Stress caused by COVID 19 pandemic and its effects on Hospital Support staff in Delhi NCR. Dr. K. Manivannan & Shailesh Kumari April 2020 Published in a multi-disciplinary International Journal, ISSN NO: 0005-0601, April 2020, Aut Aut Research Journal, Volume XI, Issue IV, April/2020, ISSN NO: 0005-0601 online Scopus indexed A.
A Study on Healthcare and Hospital preferences of youth during COVID in Delhi NCR. Dr. K. Manivannan & Shailesh Kumari 2021 Published in a multi-disciplinary International journal, ISSN NO: 0972-2025, Plant cell biology and molecular biology, 22(71&72):378-392:2021, ISSN NO: 0972-2025 online Scopus indexed B.
Stress factors affecting hospital Marketing employees. Dr. K. Manivannan & Shailesh Kumari September 2020 Published in a multi-disciplinary International journal, ISSN: 0012-9342 Year 2020, International Journal of Hospital administration September 2020 Scopus indexed B.
Financial Performance of select pharmaceutical companies in India. Ms. Manju M October 2021 International Journal (IJEMA) ISSN NO: 08869367 OCTOBER 2021