On Fourth Day, 23/2/2023, as part of celebration of one week National Managment Day (Prabhandanam), the ASM organized an invited talk on the topic Professional Management in Higher Educational Institutions. The session commenced with a formal introduction about the Resource Person Mr. Madhavan Unni IRSS, (Academic Advisor, IIT Palakkad) and welcomed him and other participants to the session by Prof. Dr. B.Vijayachandran Pillai, Principal and Director, ASM. Mr Unni has explained the relevance of Professional Management in Higher Education institutions and also some strategies for professional management. Ms. Sruthi and Ms. Seethalakshmi presented the feedback of the session. Finally, Ms. Risvana Mariyam proposed vote of thanks to the resource person and all other participants. The session came to an end at 4.10 p.m.