The Ahalia School of Management in association with the Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology organized an interactive session on Exploring Management Education Opportunities for the S8 B.Tech students at ASET seminar hall on 9/2/2024 from 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Dr. Abhijith (Career and Placement Head, ASET ) welcomed the Resource team and the students to the session. Nearly 70 B.Tech students from ECE, Mech., CSE, EEE, and Civil Departments participated. Ms. Jyothis Rachel Mathews, Assistant Professor, ASM has given a talk on why MBA after B.Tech and handled the queries raised by the students. The second Resource person Ms. Manju M, Assistant Professor, ASM engaged a session on MBA entrance examination (CAT, CMAT, K-MAT, and procedure for applying, syllabus and pattern of questions, test centers in the State and cut-off percentage of marks for admission. Thereafter, Dr. K. Manivannan, Associate Professor, ASM engaged a Fact Check session with the students of individual Departments on the scope of higher education. Ms. Bindhu Valoor has emphasized the need for applying the ensuing K-MAT examination to be held in February Month and the need for acquiring knowledge on management subjects for the engineering students. Finally the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Bindhu Valoor and the session came to an end at 11.30 a.m.