The ASM &ASCM has jointly organized the graduation ceremony in respect of MBA 2020-22 & MBA 2021-2023 batches and BBA 2020-2023 batch on 7th January 2024 @ 10:00 am @ ADH auditorium. The program started with a formal procession followed by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries. Ms Jyotis Rachel Mathews, Assistant Professor, MBA welcomed the dignitaries, parents and the graduating students. The Presidential address was delivered by Prof.Dr. B. Vijayachandran Pillai, Principal & Director, Ahalia School of Management. The keynote address was delivered by Dr.S.N Jagadeesh, Principal of Ahalia School of Commerce and Mathematics. The formal inauguration of the program was done by the chief guest Prof.Dr.K. Mohammed Basheer, former Vice Chancellor, University of Calicut and presently Professor and Head, Assam Central University, Silchar. In his inaugural address, he has given certain insights for the budding managers to excel their performance in their career. He stressed on the need for enhancing the soft skills and continuous updation of knowledge in their respective fields. Thereafter, the chief guest distributed the course completion certificate to all the passed out students of MBA (2020-22 & 2021-2023) batches and BBA (2020-2023) batch. An oath taking ceremony was also arranged for the passed out students. Merit certificate and mementos were awarded to the students who secured highest CGPA in the university examinations. Mrs.Sreya Gopal, Managing Trustee, Ahalia Group handed over the memento to the chief guest as a token of gratitude and appreciation followed by a felicitation by Dr.Krisha Kumar Kishor, Executive Director, Ahalia Group.Vote of thanks delivered by Ms.Sheeba Kumar, Assistant Professor, ASCM.The event came to an end with National Anthem @1:00 pm followed by photo session and lunch.