The World Consumer Rights Day (March 15) has been celebrated by the Ahalia School of Management (ASM) on 19th March 2024 under the auspices of Innovation Council, (Ministry of Education Initiative) and Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (Govt. of Kerala). Ms. Sneha welcomed the president of the meeting, Resource Person and all the participants to the session. The Principal and Director of Ahalia School of Management, Prof. B.Vijayachandran Pillai has delivered the presidential address. In his presidential address, he stressed the need for creating awareness among consumers about their rights and the redressal mechanism available in our Country as per the existing Acts and Regulations. Ms. Jyothis Rachel Mathews has served as Resource person and delivered a talk on Consumer Rights, Grievances and Redressal Mechanism. In her speech, she has narrated the problems and Grievances of consumers, the redressal mechanism, and reliefs available to consumers and gave insights on the theme of 2024 consumer rights day -Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers. The compering was done by Ms. Sneha and Ms. Jyotsna. Finally, Ms. Krishnanjali proposed vote of thanks. Ms. Neetu P.M and Dr.K. Manivannan coordinated the session.