The Ahalia School of Management celebrated World Health Day (7th April) on 16thApril 2024 under the auspices of Innovation Council, (Ministry of Education Initiative). Ms. Navya Mahesh welcomed the president of the meeting, Resource Person and all the participants to the session. The Principal and Director of Ahalia School of Management, Prof. B. Vijayachandran Pillai has delivered the presidential address. In his presidential address, he stressed the importance of celebrating World Health Day and need for creating awareness among students about the significance of health in human life. Dr. Aashna Sidhic BDS, MHA , Assistant Professor, ASM has served as Resource person and delivered a talk on How to maintain Health.She has suggested certain tips to maintain a healthy life among adults. In her speech, she has narrated the various dimensions of Health, Determinants of Health, Levels of disease prevention and the importance of being proactive in health. Thereafter Ms. Saniya James, Anagha. P.M and Lincy Reji presented papers on the topics Maternal Health, Child Health and Mental Health respectively. Ms. Jyotsna and Mr. Abhineeth presented the feedback of the session. Finally Ms. Beema Anas proposed vote of thanks.