The Ahalia School of Management has celebrated the World Youth Skills Day on 15 July 2023 @ 3.00 p.m. The programme started with welcome address by Ms.Ahla Ibrahim Rowthar. Prof. (Dr.) B.Vijayachandran Pillai, Principal and Director, ASM presided over the session. In his presidential, he stated about the different types of skills especially soft skills necessary for youth and stressed the need for acquiring these skills among them for achieving better performance in their day to day activities and future career. The Resource Person, Dr. K Manivannan, Associate Professor, ASM has discussed the globally accepted skill enhancement programmes, entrepreneurial Skills, Start- up Programmes and add on courses suitable for youth for excelling their performance in career. He also mentioned the suitability of ASAP for MBA and BBA students. All the students and faculties of both the ASM and ASCM were participated in the session. Finally Mr. Gokul proposed the vote of thanks and the session came to an end @ 4.20 p.m.